Helloooo BINGE time. Number 14 is definitely a mixed bag, but here are some things (joys) to listen out for:
--> Chance didn't wait long after his mixtape with Lil B to give us another cracker with new track "Israel".
--> Soulection masterminds push Kehlani's "The Way" from amazing/10 to can't-even-deal.
--> All of Jon Waltz's lyrics in "Victoria" - I'll just act like I don't need you / I'll just schedule all my evenings, holding many meetings / Cautious not initiating, no communication really though I'm fading
--> Mac Miller paying tribite to the late Sean Price in "Pet Sounds".
--> "Tell Me" by Chris McClenney epitomises the modern day answer to the classic 70s disco/strut sunshine jam.
--> No BINGE is complete without a classic remixed - thank you Missy Ellit x Wax Roof.
--> Angel Haze being the boss woman she is with "Babe Ruthless".
Feast* away my friends. Cool beans.
*For more feasting, head to the HD soundcloud.